- [x] Atomic habits
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Atomic Habits - Book Summary & Insights
James Clear's "Atomic Habits" presents a comprehensive framework for building good habits and breaking bad ones through small, incremental changes.
Key Takeaways:
- 1% improvements compound over time to create remarkable results
- Habits are the compound interest of self-improvement
- Focus on systems rather than goals
- Identity-based habits are more likely to stick than outcome-based ones
The Four Laws of Behavior Change:
- Make it Obvious - Set clear environmental cues for your habits
- Make it Attractive - Bundle habits you need with habits you want
- Make it Easy - Reduce friction for good habits, increase it for bad ones
- Make it Satisfying - Create immediate rewards for good habits
Action Items I'm Implementing:
- [ ] Create a habit tracking system in Notion
- [ ] Design my environment to make good habits obvious (e.g., placing books visibly for reading habit)
- [ ] Stack new habits with existing ones (e.g., read while drinking morning coffee)